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5 Roommates You Might Encounter in Ohio University Rentals

Feb 23, 2016

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Even if you think you know your roommate before the year begins, you might find you’re living with an entirely different person in a month or two of sharing the same bathroom and kitchen. People can be completely different in their day-to-day surroundings then they are in the classroom or at the bar. PJ life is when their real essence comes out, for good or bad. Here are three types of roommates you may encounter in Ohio University rentals.

The Neat Freak (or Their Doppelganger Pigpen)

Everyone should be expected to pick up their end of the house because nobody likes a sink full of dishes. Some people, however, are total neat freaks who spaz if a single spoon is left on the counter or a beer bottle gets left out on the porch. Others never clean, and it’s like sharing a hotel room with Hunter S. Thompson. Middle ground is best. It’s good to be neat enough that nobody’s mess gets on anybody’s nerves, but you don’t need to be a freak about it.

The Mooch

When you’re Cheerios disappear, the gallon of milk evaporates, that beer you saved for after your final enters the Witness Protection program, you’re living with a mooch. It’s not that they’re mean. They just lack boundaries. Talk to them and be direct. Label your food or have designated fridge space.

The Roommate Who Confuses Everyone Else for Their Mother

Some people forget they don’t live with their mothers anymore and expect someone else will pick up after them. They don’t do their end of the cleaning. They don’t pay the bills. They assume someone else will pick up the slack. Address these issues immediately, or they’ll only get worse. Let them know their mom’s name wasn’t the one on the lease for this Ohio University rental.

The Ghost

This roommate is never home. Maybe they’re with their girlfriend or boyfriend all the time. Maybe they’re always at their parents’ house. Maybe they’re just studying way harder than you are and are always at the library. Campus isn’t likely far from your rental, anyway.

Whatever the reason may be, this style of roommate can be both a blessing and a curse.

On the one hand, they’re never around. More quiet time and privacy for you, yay!

On the other hand, though, they could be difficult to reach when it comes to things like paying rent or utilities. This can present serious hiccups for you and is something that needs to be clamped down immediately. In this case, if you see them out and about, be it on campus or just walking through the back or front yard sneaking their partner in late at night, talk to them about the issue. Communication, especially when so rare to come by, is key.

The Homebody

The ghost’s annoying cousin is the homebody. Unlike his relative, he is always home. 

Some iterations of this roommate aren’t so bad. If it’s just you and them in a two-bedroom unit, odds are it’ll feel like a one-bedroom if they stay in their room. But if they happen to frequent the common spaces, be it the kitchen or living room, their presence can have the same effect as living in a five bedroom house may be – sharing everything with little privacy. 

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