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Why a One Bedroom Apartment in Athens, Ohio is Ideal for a Long Term Relationship

Mar 02, 2016

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If you’re already in a long-term relationship in college, you might want to consider skipping roommates altogether. 

Sharing space can be awkward when you forget to close the bedroom door, or the two of you want time alone together. That’s why a one-bedroom apartment in Athens, Ohio can be ideal. You have space for intimacy. There are no awkward barge-in’s, or socks to leave on the door knob. And you can make out in the living room, and nobody is going to care.

You Don’t Have to Completely Shack Up

Not that we’re recommending living in sin. Just practically. It’s best to have one name on the lease, with the partner sleeping over from time to time. 

No matter how much you might think he, she or they is the one, college love can hit the rocks, making for a very messy situation with the lease. You might also discover you get on each other’s nerves being together all the time. Have sleep overs, but if each person has their own space, there’s still escape when you need it. 

If you technically live apart, even if just on paper, it’s also easier to get your parents to go along with a one-bedroom apartment in Athens, Ohio in the first place.

Ok, You’re Actually Living Together…What Now?

If you’re living or plan to live in a one-bedroom space with your significant other, your only option at that point is to find a way to make it work. 

The first thing to note is that you both need space. Even the best couples need time apart. 

It doesn’t need be anything drastic, either. If your space has a yard, maybe spend some time alone out there once in a while, soaking up the sun and fresh air. If you have parking at your pad, take your car out for a spin.

Close to campus? Walk to Alden and get some solo studying in, or just take a nice stroll around Athens. The choice is yours. 

Oh, and if you can, avoid the studio rental. It’s really close quarters for two people to be cohabitating in; one-bedrooms have multiple rooms where both of you can spend some time apart. 

Have Company Over

Just because you’re living in a one-bedroom apartment doesn’t mean you can’t have guests over. 

Obviously, having a large group stop by is out of the picture, but just having a few friends over here and then to break up the monotony of it just being you and your partner will only help your relationship.

Take Some Trips Around Town and the Region

A one-bedroom apartment can get pretty claustrophobic quickly. Make sure you and your significant other are making time to frequently get out and about and see Athens for all its glory. 

It can be as simple as taking a stroll down Court Street, or maybe as big as renting a boat at Strouds Run. The choice is yours, just do what you like!