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What Are You Forgetting to Pack for Your Athens Apartment?

Aug 21, 2017

Hand Truck

Fall quarter at Ohio University is practically here. Time to start packing, and pronto! Living off campus is a lot different than university housing, and not just because you no longer have to hide your candles (or six food hand blown “flower vases” for that matter). Nobody’s holding your hand, i.e. doing your dishes, lending you a trash can, or even giving you a bed for that matter. Here’s a handy packlist to help you prepare to move into your Athens apartment:

Living Room Essentials

When you’re a kid, your bedroom is the center living space of your life. As an adult AKA college student, the living room becomes the center, assuming your housemate hasn’t turned it into a bedroom to save on rent. You’ll need a coffee table, plenty of lighting (overhead lights don’t tend to be very comfortable, so stick with lamps), TV, stereo, and maybe some end tables. As the Dude Abides, a good throw rug can really tie the room together.

Here’s a helpful link for design ideas

Kitchen Implements of Destruction

Finally you don’t have to suffer from that awful dining hall food (I am looking at you, Johnny Marzetti!), but you do have to cook for yourself. Even if you plan to live off mac and cheese for the next two years, you’ll still need utensils, appliances, pots and pans. Blenders are handy for making smoothies (not to mention margaritas). Toasters, coffee makers, and ice cube trays are miracles of modern civilization. You never appreciate a good colander until you’ve tried to substitute with a pot lid. Boiling water can scald, so make sure you have everything you need.

Depending on the number of roommates you have, this can be something easily divided and conquered. Especially if you’re living in a big student rental, like a five-bedroom unit, you and your friends can live like the kings or queens of Athens. 

Other Accouterments

You’ll also need a good vacuum cleaner or your carpet might just eat you alive. A shoe rack might keep you from killing your roommates. Porch furniture just might introduce you to the neighborhood, especially if you have a rental with a view.

Haven’t found a place for the fall yet?

As your academic year approaches, it’s no secret that finding the right place to live is crucial. This quaint college town, nestled in the Appalachian region, offers a plethora of options when it comes to rentals. Whether you’re looking for university housing or one of those cool rentals around uptown Athens, there’s something for everyone.

Considering the Number of Rooms

How much space do you need? Whether you’re considering four-bedroom rentals for your group of friends or a studio apartment for some quiet study time, Athens has it all. If you’re in the mood for something larger, six-bedroom and five-bedroom houses are available, especially if you have a larger group to split the rent with. On the other hand, for those who desire a bit of privacy or are living solo, one-bedroom apartments near campus might be the perfect fit.

Location, Location, Location!

We can’t stress enough how vital the right location is. If you’re someone who likes to be in the middle of the action, Court Street apartments or those near bars could be right up your alley. Apartments on East State Street or those near the university campus offer proximity to essential amenities and the buzz of student life.

If you’re looking for an apartment with a yard, Athens doesn’t disappoint. Imagine having weekend barbecues or a quiet place to relax. For those who are more inclined towards a picturesque view, there are also rentals with mesmerizing views of the cityscape and surrounding hills.

Not Just About the House

When considering student rentals, remember it’s not just about the house. How easy is off-campus parking? Do you need a parking spot? And if you’re looking to rent a moving truck for the big move, Athens offers reliable services for that too.

Perhaps you’re an outdoors enthusiast and looking forward to weekends at Strouds Run? Consider how close your potential home is to recreational spots. Also, remember events like Ohio University Parents Weekend when considering the convenience of your location for visitors.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to university rentals in Athens, there’s an abundance of choices. From luxury apartments for those who desire a hint of opulence to those apartments near Ohio University for ease, your ideal home awaits.