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5 Tips for Finding Athens Student Rentals on the Fly

Aug 28, 2017

Pit Crew

Updated with current information for 2022

No, you’re not in a time warp, unless a tequila hangover counts. 

Fall semester really does begin at the end of this month on Aug. 22, 2022. If you don’t have housing lined up, or off campus housing suddenly seems a lot more appealing now that you’ve lived outside the dorm bubble for a little while, it’s time to kick it into high gear. Here are five tips for finding housing at the last minute.

Talk to Friends

Friends can be a great connection for finding last minute housing. Things fall through. Couples break up. Friends drift apart. Sometimes the best way to find Athens rentals is word of mouth, especially if you’ve got friends trying to fill a 4, 5 or 6 bedroom house. Chances are, somebody’s got room somewhere. Don’t be shy to hit up group chats and old friends. Hell, if you’re uptown, strike up a conversation with someone while you’re out on Court Street. You never know who knows what.

Consult a Realtor

Professional realtors have their fingers on the pulse of the Athens student housing market. They may know of a new opening, or other students willing to share a lease. And you can find out the opportunities and the deals before they’re advertised online. The only downside here is that it could cost you some cash. If you’re searching with roommates though, for say a two or three-bedroom rental, maybe see if they have any realtor connections. It’s worth a shot.

Consult a Laywer

It comes with your tuition bill for just $15 extra – but Student Legal Services can be a huge asset to have if you’re in a housing crunch. Most landlords just send out the same old sample leases to tenants, but can try something fishy if they smell desperation. 

Cross your I’s and dot your T’s, don’t fall into a trap because of that too-good-to-be-true two bedroom apartment you saw one week before school starts.

Rental Website

Realty websites often post last minute openings. You can search according to your specific needs, such as if you need a rental close to OU, uptown or with a yard. And you can often view photos of the property online to see its condition. 

Be Willing to Change Plans

The first apartments to get leased are often the smaller ones – studios, one bedroom and two bedroom units. In many cases, huge units, some bigger than five or six bedrooms can go an entire year totally vacant. 

So, partner up with more homies, and find the last-minute gem of your dreams. Happy hunting!