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How to Have the Cleanest Toilet in the History of Ohio University Student Rentals

Jan 07, 2019

How to Have the Cleanest Toilet in the History of Ohio University Student RentalsThe toilets to most student rentals in Athens Ohio are free love colonies for germs. They’re disgusting. And the longer we put off cleaning the toilet, the nastier they get. You’re embarrassed whenever a significant other comes over. Your parents are embarrassed for you. The good news is cleaning the toilet is really not as bad as it seems if you just keep up on it. Here are a few hacks to having a perfectly clean toilet with no trouble at all.

Don’t Put It Off

Toilets are like dentistry. The longer we wait to clean them, the worse the problem gets. Give the bowl a quick wash down with the toilet brush every day or so. All it takes is fresh toilet water. You could even add in a vinegar spray if you’re feeling particularly ambitious.

Dust Your Toilet

It seems a little weird, but if you dust the outside of the toilet with a duster before you start cleaning, you eliminate the dust trail that seems to stick to the outside of the toilet. You can even use a vacuum attachment if you’re feeling particularly lazy.

Simply Wipe the Rim with Toilet Paper

Trickles happen, especially if the apartment is stocked with guys. Run a wad of toilet paper over the brim. Give yourself a thorough hand washing and it’s all good in the hood. You’ll have the cleanest looking toilet in the history of Ohio University student rentals.