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Tired of a Boring Athens Ohio Student Rental? Spruce It Up with Temporary Wallpaper

Dec 31, 2018

Tired of boring white walls? Join the club. Most people who rent an apartment in Athens Ohio assume they are stuck with them. But guess what? With temporary wall patterns, you can have all the pizzazz and design you want and keep your security deposit.

Temporary wall patterns are just what they sound like. There’s no paint, so you don’t have to worry about painting them over when you move out. In fact, you don’t even have to ask your landlord’s permission! They peel right off. They are essentially temporary tattoos for the walls of your Athens Ohio rental.

Crate & Barrel

Check out these temporary wallpapers from Crate & Barrel. Use them in any pattern you want. And don’t just stop with the walls. Why not hit the stereo, light fixtures, even the bathroom mirror?

Flower Wallpaper Works Like a Sticker

This Clara Removable Wallpaper from WallsNeedLove will give your walls plenty of love with cool artistic designs of flowers. 

They have literally thousands of artist combinations. And the artist gets paid through your purchase, so you are supporting the creative arts. They are easy to clean and remove and guaranteed to stick 100 times. So, if you live in 100 Athens Ohio apartments, bring them along and never have dull walls again.

Customize it

Don’t like any designs you see in store or online? That’s okay, just customize your own! 

Murals your way has a wide array of customizable temporary wallpaper options, so put your creative cap on and design something awesome. 

One suggestion could be to design it in an Athens style. Maybe a mural of uptown that will make your rental pop. So, if your apartment doesn’t have a great view of an iconic Athens spot, like College Green or Court Street, you can put it right on your wall!

Double-check with roommates, maybe even plan together

Decorating your place shouldn’t be a one-person job, unless of course you live in a studio or one bedroom apartment. Talk to your roommates and pick out some styles and designs that you all will love. 

In large rentals with five or six bedrooms with multiple floors, consider varying the vibe by each floor. One can have a floral design, another can have a beach vibe, the possibilities are endless.