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First Year Tips to Living at Ohio University

Jan 16, 2023

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So you’ve signed the lease or decided on a dorm and the question of what you’ll do about Ohio University housing is taken care of. Perhaps you’ve transferred from another school or are just starting your college experience. If you are new to Ohio University, there are probably plenty of questions on your mind. Not the least of which is, how in the world are you going to survive your first year, let alone the rest of your education?

10 Tips from Campus Riot

The folks at Campus Riot have some pretty sound advice. Their 10 Tips for Surviving Ohio University covers pretty much all the bases, from how to build your social circle to what to pack in your closet to what indie movies are playing at the local theater. They suggest bringing a car, a good idea in any small town where you might want the option to road trip or take a drive into the country. Bringing your own car is always an option if you have a place to park it. Check out our affordable Ohio University parking options, with rates starting at $300.

But there’s more to surviving your first year at Ohio University than just having a car or having parking at your rental. Here are some additional tips to help make your first year a success.

Get Involved

Ohio University offers a wealth of opportunities to get involved on campus. From student organizations to club sports to volunteer groups, there’s something for everyone. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and find your niche on campus.

Ask your roommates if they are involved in anything. Even if you live off campus, there’s no reason why you can’t be active on campus. When your parents come down for parents weekend, you want to make sure that they get to see all the awesome things you’ve been up to!

Don’t Overcommit

While it’s important to get involved, it’s equally important not to overcommit yourself. Be selective about the activities you choose to participate in and make sure you have enough time to devote to your coursework.

If you’re renting a home, you want to be sure you can enjoy that yard you have! Don’t overdo it.

Go to Class

It may sound obvious, but going to class is crucial to your success in college. Attend every class, take notes, and participate in discussions. This will not only help you understand the material better but will also show your professors that you’re committed to your education.

And if you’re concerned about the time it takes to get to class, consider renting a place next year that’s closer to campus. Court Street or generally anywhere uptown should suffice. 

We promise it’s not hard to fit a moving truck in the alley next to your future pad – you’ll make it work. 

Use Your Resources

Ohio University has a wealth of resources available to students, from academic advising to tutoring to career services. Take advantage of these resources to help you succeed academically and professionally. That also includes advice on future living changes. 

If you’re having roommate struggles, they may be able to show you some nice studios or one-bedroom apartments nearby. On the other hand, if you’re looking for more roommates, then they may point out some good three or four bedroom rentals. 

Stay Organized

College can be overwhelming, but staying organized can help you stay on top of your coursework and responsibilities. Use a planner or calendar to keep track of deadlines, assignments, and meetings.

Here are some easy organization/time-management tips.

Take Care of Yourself

College can be stressful, but it’s important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Make time for self-care activities like meditation, yoga, or spending time with friends.

If the student rental you’re living at has a yard – use it. If your home has parking – use it to travel. If your apartment has a nice view – enjoy it!

Prioritize your wellbeing, always. 

Be Open-Minded

College is a time to explore new ideas and perspectives. Be open-minded and willing to learn from others, even if their viewpoints differ from your own. Again, consider using that parking at your rental to travel and explore the surrounding area! We have some suggestions.

Explore Athens

Following up on our last point: Athens is a vibrant college town with plenty to see and do. Take some time to explore the city and its surroundings, from the local shops and restaurants Uptown and on Court Street to the natural beauty of the surrounding hills and parks, like Strouds Run.

Seek Help When Needed

If you’re struggling academically or personally, don’t hesitate to seek help. Ohio University has a variety of resources available to students, including counseling services, academic support, and health services.

Have Fun

College is a time to learn, grow, and have fun. Take advantage of all the opportunities available to you and make the most of your time at Ohio University. 

Surviving your first year at Ohio University can be challenging, but with these tips, you’ll be on your way to a successful and fulfilling college experience. Remember to get involved, stay organized, take care of yourself, and have fun! And don’t forget, we have tons of tips on ways to have fun at OU.