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Time Management Is a Major Problem for College Students

Nov 18, 2019

Your college years, we hope, will be among the best ones of your life.

Being young and (again, we hope) wrapped up in a whirl of social activities, living in the best Athens Ohio rentals, balancing fun times with the demands of your classes, exploring new possibilities as you plan for a career – there’s really nothing like it. But as you probably know if you’re a sophomore or upper classman, or will know if you’re a freshman, the college years can present unique pressures and problems.

One of the top issues most college students must deal with is trying to do too much with limited time. 

Your course work should take precedence over any other activities, and if you’re trying to take on 18 credits a semester, you could be headed for a breakdown – particularly if you are planning on holding down a job, participating in extracurricular activities and trying to maintain a relationship and/or social activities. Slow down, prioritize and remember: your course work should always come first. If you really need to include all the other activities, cut back on the credit hours you’re taking.

Bars Are Fun, but Don’t Forget Your Studies

A common problem many Bobcats run into is the ease of going out on Court Street. If your apartment is uptown or close to the bars, it can be alluring to cut your studies short and grab a beer.

Make sure you stay disciplined. If you live with roommates, stay accountable together. Keep one another in check by refusing to go out until everyone has finished their work for the day. It may sound lame in the short run, but in the long run, it’ll help get you the degree you need.

Think About Distance and Parking

Living off campus is great. You have your own place, set your own living rules and can live without fear of an RA. 

That being said, there are some downsides. 

If your apartment doesn’t have parking, you’ll want to make sure you get a parking permit for a space close by. Otherwise, a long walk to your car is in your future. Having to walk from Court Street to the bottom of Mill Street, for example, can take up to 15 minutes and eats away at the time in the day. 

Another important element is distance from campus. If your apartment is close to campus, it can be a huge time saver, especially when you’re in a bind. 

Time management is much more than keeping a schedule or a routine. You can save time by making a conscious effort to orient your lifestyle in a way that suits your needs, and it can start by choosing the right off campus apartment or home. 

Considerations for College Living and Time Management

Beyond academics, your living situation can also heavily impact your ability to manage time effectively. Let’s dive into the myriad options and what you might want to keep in mind while in Athens:

1. Variety of Housing Options: Whether you are eyeing a studio apartment for a minimalist lifestyle or scouting four-bedroom rentals to split with friends, Athens presents a broad array of housing choices. A luxury apartment could be the cherry on top for your college years, or you might prefer a cool rental that stands out in its uniqueness.

2. Location and Proximity: While living near the buzz of Court Street has its perks, remember the allure of the nightlife there. An apartment near bars might sound fun, but if you’re someone who can get easily tempted, it could be a distraction. Alternatively, some students opt for apartments on East State Street for a change in scenery.

3. Embrace The View: If you’re someone who gets inspired by a great view while studying, why not opt for a rental with a fantastic vista? Athens has numerous options where you can sip your morning coffee, looking at a serene view before diving into the day’s tasks.

4. Yard Space: An apartment with a yard can be a great escape. Be it for hosting weekend get-togethers, studying under the sun, or just lounging on a hammock. It’s also perfect for those who wish to garden as a hobby or even own a pet.

5. Seek Recommendations: Before settling on a place, ask around. Which areas do your peers consider the best places to rent? Some rental companies are known for their quality and service. Leverage this community knowledge.

6. Logistical Concerns: If you’ve gotten a large place or need to transport belongings, remember there are moving truck rentals available. For weekend recreation, check out Strouds Run boat rental to manage some leisure time effectively.

7. Special Event Accommodations: Some students may need short-term accommodations, especially during events like the Ohio University parents weekend. Being aware of such requirements ahead of time can save last-minute hassles.

8. Parking: One of the often-overlooked elements is parking. Secure off-campus parking if your housing doesn’t offer it. Looking for a parking spot to rent can save a ton of time, ensuring your vehicle is nearby, especially during harsh weather.

In essence, while balancing coursework, extracurriculars, and social life, your living situation plays an undeniable role in effective time management. Make wise choices, prioritize your needs, and ensure you not only survive but thrive during your college years.