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Athens Ohio Apartments 101: The DIY Bar

Jul 23, 2018

Did you know you can DIY your own bar out of discarded junk? Yep, with a little creativity and some basic tools, you can create the perfect bar for that house you’re planning to rent in Athens Ohio. Drink in style with these DIY bars made from recycled materials.

The Piano Bar

So you’ve got an old piano that has no hope of ever being in tune? Actually, you’ve got the perfect bar that with the right tequila stock will always be in tune. Set a wooden baseboard in place of the foot pedals and decorate it with a mirror or colorful tile. Stack the liquor across the top. Set glass over the keys for a perfect mixing surface that’s easy to wipe off.

The Spool Bar

Get an old wooden wire spool from a construction yard. Decorate the top with a better quality wood, tile, or glass. Place the spool on a surface that spins. Rope off a secure line with wooden pegs along the bottom and stash the liquor bottles. Hollow out the top and stash an ice bucket in the center.

The Baby Changing Table Bar

You don’t need a baby to own a baby changing station. People are always throwing these things out as soon as their kid start pooping in a proper toilet. Remove the foam pad and you’ve pretty much got an instant bar. Place cut glass where the kid’s butt would normally go. Stash liquor bottles on the middle shelf. Fashion the spot underneath that to hold glasses. Use the burp cloth rack for some convenient bar towels.

The Childhood Dresser Bar

Take an old dresser, remove the drawers and build some makeshift shelves in their place. You’ve got a perfect place to stash liquor and some glasses. Add some cut glass to the top for a smooth and wipeable drink making surface.

It’s easy to furnish your Ohio University housing with your own bar on the cheap. All it takes is a little creativity and a love of alcohol.