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Money-Saving Tricks Include Paying Rent for Athens Ohio Housing on Time

Jul 30, 2018

Unless you’re lucky enough to be a Trustafarian with parents who gift-wrap you money in regular care packages, you’re probably a pretty broke college student. The money you stash away over the summer always seems to evaporate on the rent for your housing in Athens Ohio. But there are ways to save by just rethinking what you do every day. Here are 4 hacks to saving money that don’t actually hurt.

Stop Buying Textbooks

The money you could save on textbooks could practically fund a European vacation, seriously! At $100 to $300 a pop, textbooks are a serious racket. In fact, the price for textbooks has risen 812% since 1978. Rent them instead. Sites like offer rentals, and you can also rent textbooks from Amazon and Barnes & Nobles. You might also try digital versions for your Kindle or iPad.

Make Your Own Coffee

At $3 a cup for a quality brew, coffee gets to be an expensive habit. Buy a coffee pot and brew your own. That way you can still afford the good stuff if you’re a snob, and your kitchen is always serving, even at 3 a.m. when you’re pulling an all-nighter. You might consider getting a permanent filter as well.

Pay Your Rent on Time

Always pay the rent on your housing in Athens Ohio on time. Most landlords that rent to students have late fee policies written into the lease. Miss the date, and you’re practically flushing money away. If you’ve got the cash at the beginning of the year from a summer job, you might even consider paying for the semester up front. That way it’s one less bill to worry about.

Avoid Pets

Pets are cute and all, but they’re a huge money suck. Between the money you spend on food, bedding, toys, and veterinary bills, pets are practically furry children. Plus most landlords will charge you an extra pet deposit on your student rental. If you must have a pet, get a fish, a hamster, or better yet a pet rock. They’re cheaper and easier to clean up after.