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6 Cleaning Tips to Protect Your Ohio University Rental from COVID-19

Jul 13, 2020

Classes are resuming at Ohio University in the Fall of 2020, at least tentatively. But the virus hasn’t gone away, even if our hopes for a normal existence have. How do you limit the spread of germs in your Athens Ohio apartment? Here are 6 cleaning tips to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Stock Cleaning Supplies

Make sure you’re well stocked in cleaning supplies — disinfectant wipes, cleaning sprays, toilet scrub and dish soap. The more you have, the more likely you will be to clean. This can prevent spreading of the virus.

Clean Commonly Touched Surfaces

Be sure to clean commonly touched surfaces like door knobs, faucet and toilet handles, fridge doors. This is especially true if you live with roommates. (After all, you don’t know where they’ve been.) Make sure to wipe everything down periodically, ideally several times throughout the day. The virus can live on surfaces for days.

Keep Hand Sanitizer Stocked

Keep several bottles of hand sanitizer stocked throughout your house and encourage your roommates to use it.

Limit Who Visits Your Student Rental

This is a tough one. It’s college in Athens Ohio after all. You naturally want to have people over, whether you live on Court Street, close to campus, or in family housing. But that’s the absolute opposite of social distancing. The more people come over, the more people exist in your personal petri dish. Limit traffic in your house to your roommates, and if you must, significant others. If guests must absolutely come over, socialize outside on the porch or in the yard. Wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of social distance.

Keep Windows Open

When it comes to limiting the spread of COVID-19, fresh air is your friend. Avoid using the air conditioner as much as possible. Keep windows open and use a fan.

Vacuum Often

Vacuum your apartment often to limit the spread of COVID-19. It sounds gross, but dead skin is common and can transmit the virus. The cleaner you keep your rental, the less the chance you have of spreading the virus.