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Winter Heating Cost Saving Tips

Jan 30, 2017

Winter in Athens can numb more than just your toes. It can also freeze your bank account. The heating costs of your student rental in Athens will sky rocket, but there are simple things you can do to control costs and stay warm at the same time. Here are a few tips to cutting your heat bill and fixing the drafts.

Plastic the Windows

You can purchase plastic to cover your drafty windows at most hardware stores. The plastic can be attached by running a hairdryer across the plastic to get it to stick to the window. You might not be able to see out the window as well, but you’ll definitely see the savings on your gas or electric bill.

Tin Foil the Radiator

Wrapping foil around a radiator will reflect heat back into the room, rather than letting it escape through the walls. Good quality kitchen foil will work, though some hardware stores will stock radiator foil.

Even the Water Heater Needs a Blanket

A great way to save on the heating costs of your student rental is to wrap an insulation blanket around your water heater. Though modern heaters tend to be well insulated, older models that you find in a lot of student housing tend to be inefficient. It will keep your water warm and cut down on your natural gas costs.

Keep Windows Open to the Sun

The US Department of Energy recommends keeping south facing windows on your Athens apartment open during the day so sunlight can warm the room. Likewise, keep the drapes closed at night to maintain the heat of the room.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Invest in a programmable thermostat to control the temperature of your student rental in Athens. These thermostats can automatically adjust the temperature based on your schedule, and can help you save up to 10% on your heating bill. For example, you can program the thermostat to lower the temperature while you’re away at class or sleeping, and then increase the temperature when you’re at home and awake. 

Trust us, it saves having to rely on the unreliable roommate you share your two-bedroom pad with.

Use Door Stoppers and Draft Dodgers

Use door stoppers and draft dodgers to prevent drafts from entering your apartment. You can use a rolled-up towel or even a pool noodle to block drafts from entering under the door. You can also use draft stoppers for your windows and even your electrical outlets. 

This is helpful in older student rentals, like four bedroom or five bedroom spaces where the doors aren’t well insulated or secured. 

Close Off Unused Rooms

If you live in a larger apartment, close off unused rooms to keep the heat in the areas where you spend the most time. If you’re not using a room, then it doesn’t need to be heated. You can also use a draft blocker to block off the unused room from the rest of the apartment.

Consider also reminding your roommates, be it just a two-bedroom apartment or four-bedroom home, to do the same. 

Change Your Furnace Filter

A dirty furnace filter can increase your heating costs and decrease the efficiency of your furnace. Make sure to change your furnace filter regularly, especially during the winter months when it’s working overtime.

All it takes is a maintenance request. Your rental company should do this for you.  

We also have some winter tips if you’re headed home for the holidays.

Invest in Energy Efficient Appliances

Invest in energy-efficient appliances for your student rental in Athens. These appliances are designed to use less energy and can help you save money on your energy bills in the long run. Look for appliances with the Energy Star label, which indicates that they meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Department of Energy.

Take Advantage of Free Heat

Take advantage of free heat sources, such as your oven or stove, when cooking. Leave the oven door open after you’re done cooking to allow the heat to escape into your apartment. 

Additionally, take advantage of body heat by cuddling up with a blanket and wearing warm clothing instead of turning up the heat. If you share a one-bedroom apartment with your significant other, this shouldn’t be an issue.

Utilize Space Heaters

If you don’t want to heat your entire apartment, you can utilize space heaters in the areas where you spend the most time. This is a great way to save money on your heating bill and stay warm at the same time. However, be sure to use space heaters safely and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Note: this is obviously better in smaller spaces like a studio or one bedroom apartment than it is in the living room a giant six bedroom rental. 

Take Advantage of the Heat from Electronics

Electronics, such as your computer or television, generate heat when they’re in use. Take advantage of this heat by positioning them near you when you’re working or watching TV. This can help you stay warm without having to turn up the heat.

Overall, winter heating costs can add up quickly, especially for students living in Athens, whether you’re close to campus or far off of it. However, by taking simple steps like using plastic to cover your windows, wrapping your water heater in a blanket, and utilizing space heaters, you can save money on your heating bill and stay warm during the cold winter months. Remember to also take advantage of free heat sources, invest in energy-efficient appliances, and use a programmable thermostat to control the temperature in your student rental in Athens. By following these tips, you can stay comfortable and save money at the same time!