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What to Look for in a Roommate for Athens Ohio Student Rentals

Nov 26, 2018

What to Look for in a Roommate for Athens Ohio Student Rentals

Updated with current information for 2023

Roommates can make or break your college experience. They can be all the difference between college being one of the best times of your life, or something you dread. In fact, they can even be the critical factor as to whether or not you make the honor roll or drop out and move back in with your parents. Whether you rent a two, three, or four bedroom student rental in Athens Ohio, choose who you decide to share that living space with carefully. It is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in college.

Study and Sleep Habits

Everyone works differently. We all have different sleep schedules. Some love to burn the midnight oil; some prefer to boil the 6 am coffee. Whether you’re up at the crack of dawn or the crack of noon, make sure your hours are similar to your roommates’. There’s nothing worse than trying to get to sleep while a late-night party rages in the living room, or conversely, wanting to relax in the evening when your roommate enforces quiet hours with a vengeance.

Cleaning Habits

They may be the coolest people in the world, but if they’re slobs who never clean anything, it’s going to be tense. You’re not their mother. Make sure they pick up after themselves and are responsible enough to do their own dishes.

Common Interests

You live together, and some of the greatest friendships will result. It helps to room with somebody who has similar interests as you. They’re into similar sports, like similar music, are into the same hobbies. Everyone’s different. That’s what makes us unique, but it helps if there’s some common ground to start off on.

Can They Pitch in Their Fair Share?

It’s great if you’re already friends with your roommate, but a more important question is can they hold up their end of the deal?

Will they be able to pay their fair share of the rent? Are they financially responsible to not leave you holding the bill? Will they contribute to utilities? If they already owe you money, that could be a warning sign.

It’s also important to know if they will hold up their end of the chore list. Do they do their own dishes? Will they pick up after themselves? Do they buy their own food, or will they just mooch off yours?

You could start off the year as the best of friends, but if they aren’t holding up their end of the bottom financially or responsibility wise, that friendship will sour fast. Be careful who you sign a lease with on a student rental in Athens Ohio. This is a financial decision — it’s not personal.

Respect for Rental Property and House Rules

Respecting the rental property and adhering to house rules is essential for maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord and ensuring the longevity of your tenancy. Choose a roommate who understands the importance of keeping the property clean and well-maintained, as neglecting these responsibilities could lead to potential issues or disputes with the rental company.

By considering these additional factors along with the previously mentioned criteria, you can find a compatible roommate for your student rental. Remember, taking the time to choose the right roommate can contribute significantly to your overall college experience and help create a comfortable and supportive living environment.

Compatibility in Socializing and Extracurricular Activities

Another aspect to consider when selecting a roommate for your student rental is their compatibility in socializing and participating in extracurricular activities. If you’re someone who enjoys attending campus events, joining clubs, or exploring the local community, finding a roommate with a similar level of involvement can enhance your college experience. 

Having a roommate who shares your enthusiasm for socializing and engaging in activities can lead to shared adventures and create a vibrant social atmosphere within your living space.

Respect for Personal Boundaries and Belongings

Respecting personal boundaries and belongings is vital for maintaining a healthy roommate dynamic. It’s crucial to find a roommate who understands the importance of privacy and respects your personal space. Discuss expectations regarding borrowing personal items and establish boundaries to ensure everyone’s possessions are treated with care and consideration. This mutual respect fosters trust and helps maintain a positive living environment.

Consideration for Pets and Allergies

If you have any allergies or are considering bringing a pet into your rental, it’s crucial to find a roommate who is accommodating and understanding of these circumstances. Discuss any potential allergies or pet-related considerations with your potential roommate to ensure a comfortable and safe living environment for everyone involved. If you or your potential roommate have pets, it’s essential to discuss any necessary arrangements, such as pet responsibilities, cleaning routines, and potential additional fees.

Emergency Preparedness and Safety Measures

College life comes with its fair share of unforeseen circumstances and emergencies. It’s important to choose a roommate who takes emergency preparedness seriously and is willing to collaborate on safety measures. Discuss emergency protocols, such as fire evacuation plans and emergency contact information, to ensure that both you and your potential roommate are on the same page when it comes to handling unexpected situations.

Compatibility in Living Preferences

Everyone has unique living preferences and habits that can influence their comfort and well-being. Discuss preferences regarding temperature control, lighting, and other factors that can impact your living environment. Understanding each other’s preferences and finding common ground can prevent potential conflicts and create a space where both you and your roommate feel at home.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right roommate for your student rental requires thoughtful consideration of various factors. By prioritizing compatibility in study and sleep habits, cleaning habits, common interests, financial responsibility, and communication, you can establish a solid foundation for a positive living experience. 

Additionally, considering proximity to campus, compatibility in socializing and extracurricular activities, respect for personal boundaries and belongings, pet considerations, emergency preparedness, and compatibility in living preferences can further contribute to a harmonious and enjoyable living arrangement. Remember, selecting a roommate who aligns with your values and lifestyle can greatly enhance your college years and create lifelong friendships.