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8 Cleaning Hacks Ohio University Student Renters Can’t Live Without

Nov 19, 2018

3 Cleaning Hacks Ohio University Student Renters Can’t Live Without

Getting your first apartment in Athens Ohio is awesome. You’re finally on your own like a real adult. You don’t live with your parents anymore, which means you don’t live with your mother. All the cleaning’s on you. Want to invite over a romantic interest without shame? Learn to clean. Here are eight cleaning hacks for your Ohio University student rental.

When Your Friends Get Sick

Winters in Athens can be brutal. With so many people stuck inside and breathing the same air, people are going to get sick — probably all over your couch. Fortunately, this cleaning hack is the perfect fix. Mix water and baking soda to create a sticky paste. Spread it over the vomit and let it sit overnight. Vacuum over it in the morning. Repeat until clean. Add some essential oils to take care of the smell. You agreed to rent a four bedroom rental in Athens Ohio with your best friends. Sickness and vomit are going to happen.

DIY Oven Cleaner

When you move out of your Athens Ohio apartment, you need to clean the oven if you ever hope to see a cent of your security deposit again. Make your own easy oven cleaner with 4 tablespoons of white vinegar, 5 tablespoons of baking soda and few drops of dish soap. Spread the paste throughout your oven with a sponge. Let it sit for 5 minutes and wipe away the grease with a sponge.

Use a Pillowcase to Dust Your Ceiling Fans

If you’re in college, you probably don’t think about cleaning your ceiling fans until the end of the year, if at all. Wrap a pillowcase around a blade and pull it back. It will come out clean.

Easy Stain Removal with Everyday Items

Accidental spills and stains are bound to happen in any university rental. To tackle stains effectively, consider using a mixture of vinegar and water, a versatile cleaning solution for various surfaces. Whether it’s carpets, upholstery, or clothing, this hack will help you keep your university rental looking its best.

Freshen Up Uptown Athens Rentals with Natural Deodorizers

Uptown Athens rentals can benefit from natural deodorizers to maintain a pleasant living environment. Place bowls of baking soda strategically around your rental to absorb odors. You can also create a refreshing scent by sprinkling a mixture of baking soda and essential oils on carpets and rugs. These tips will ensure your uptown Athens rental smells great.

Discover the Power of Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths are a must-have cleaning tool for student rentals. These high-quality cloths effectively capture dust, dirt, and allergens, making them ideal for dusting surfaces, wiping countertops, and cleaning mirrors and windows. Incorporate microfiber cloths into your cleaning routine to achieve a spotless and dust-free living space.

Efficient Floor Cleaning with Vinegar and Water

For hardwood, tile, or laminate floors in your student rental, a simple solution of vinegar and water works wonders. Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and use it sparingly on the floor. Mop the solution with a damp mop or microfiber cloth to achieve a streak-free and clean floor surface in your one, two or three-bedroom rental.

Banish Bathroom Grime

Ohio University rental housing requires special attention when it comes to bathroom cleanliness. Create a homemade bathroom cleaner using a mixture of white vinegar and water. Add a few drops of tea tree oil or lemon essential oil for a fresh scent and additional disinfecting properties. This natural solution will effectively tackle soap scum, grime, and water stains on sinks, showers, and toilets in your off-campus housing.

Maintaining a clean and well-organized student rental is achievable with these effective cleaning hacks. Incorporate these tips into your regular cleaning routine to make the task more efficient and enjoyable. By keeping your rental clean and fresh, you’ll create a welcoming and comfortable living environment throughout your college experience in Athens.