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U Students in Ohio Need Several Kinds of Shoes

Nov 13, 2019

It’s late in the fall. Cold weather has arrived and you’re huddled in one of the best apartments in Athens, but your feet are definitely cold whenever you leave home. You’ve only recently realized that those down-at-the-heel flip-flops and the blown-out athletic shoes you thought would do fine for the fall semester are really not quite making it. What to do?

You could ask your parents to Fed Ex those rain boots you didn’t think you’d need, and hey, what about those Sorels for the snowy episodes likely to come our way, but then again, it might be cheaper just to get Amazon to send you a new pair.

We’ll leave the details for acquiring your left-behind (or brand new) shoes to you. But here’s a list of footwear that you probably will need over the next year, if you haven’t realized it yet.

  • Rain boots (mentioned above). It rains a lot here.
  • Waterproof snow boots. Sorels are a quality brand, but lesser brands will do.
  • Dress shoes. You thought you weren’t going to need these, but trust us, there will come a time when you’ll wish you had a pair of nice, shiny shoes to make a good presentation, be it a job interview, an interview for a scholarship, or participation in a student organization formal affair. For women, it could be heels; for men, oxfords – or vice versa.
  • Flip-flops (rubber preferred). While they’re bad for your feet, they’re fine and essential for using shared showers. So if you didn’t bring any, get some at your local discount store.
  • Athletic shoes. Whether you run, cross train, walk or hike, you need some kind of shoes/boots for physical activities.
  • Ballet flats. Designed for women’s feet, these are good all-purpose shoes to be worn with jeans or skirts. They can be worn informally, but are dressier than flip-flops or trainers, and are comfortable enough to wear all day.
  • Sandals. Maybe you find flip-flops suffice, but like we said, they’re bad for your feet, so a good pair of quality sandals that treat your feet right and that you can wear all day are highly recommended.