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Should You Paint Your Athens Ohio Apartment?

Oct 15, 2018

Updated with current information for 2023

To paint or not to paint your Athens rental – the thousand dollar question your entire security deposit may depend on. Painting can be an easy way to freshen up an OU apartment and make it yours. It’s inexpensive and usually reversible, in theory anyway. But there are several critical questions to establish, with your landlord, your budget, and the basic laws of physics.

Are You Allowed to Paint?

This is the first question you should ask. It may be prohibited in your lease. Whether it is or not, you should first check with the landlord and ask permission. Even if it is explicitly prohibited, it doesn’t hurt to check, especially if you agree to paint it back to the original color, perhaps even in writing or they agree to the colors you pick. You may be restricted on the colors, sheen, or the type of pain you’re allowed to use.

Is It in Your Budget?

Paint is fairly inexpensive, but remember you are on a college budget and order-in pizza is practically a trip to Bermuda. And keep in mind you might need to do several coats or repaint it when you move out, so double your budget estimate. Depending on the size of the paint job, it could be a few hundred dollars. You might consider sticking to the lame status quo and buying a new laptop instead.

How Committed Are You?

If you move into your Athens Ohio rental housing early during the summer, maybe it’s feasible. You have to lay drop cloths, move and protect furniture, tape up the woodwork, light and electric fixtures, and not drip paint anywhere you shouldn’t (easier said than done!) And it’s going to take at least two coats if you’re lucky.

The Aesthetics and Ambiance 

The desire to paint often goes beyond mere functionality. Think about the vibe you want to establish in your space. Perhaps you’ve moved into one of the uptown Athens rentals and want your place to reflect the dynamic energy of the surroundings. Maybe you’ve opted for an apartment near the bars, and a fresh coat of paint might help set the mood for pre-party gatherings.

Alternatives to Painting

Before you dive paintbrush-first into revamping your living space, consider other decorative solutions. Wall decals, fabric hangings, or strategically placed artwork can provide the pop of color or personal touch you’re seeking. If you’re in one of the luxury apartments in Athens, these additions can elevate the already plush ambiance. And if you’re living in one of the Ohio University student rentals, you might find wall decor that reps your school spirit.

Understanding Your Rental Terms  

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of your lease. For instance, if you’re residing in a four-bedroom Athens Ohio rental, the terms might differ from a studio apartment in Athens. Knowing the specifics can save you from potential hassles when it’s time to move out. Also, some rental companies in Athens might be more flexible with customization, especially if you’ve built a good rapport with them.

Getting Creative with Colors  

If you get the green light to paint, the world (or at least your walls) is your canvas! Don’t just think about your favorite colors, but also consider the size and natural lighting of your space. Lighter hues can make smaller apartments on Court Street feel more spacious, while warmer tones might be perfect for a rental with a view during sunset.

The Aftermath and Moving Out  

Fast forward to when you’re ready to say goodbye to your Ohio University apartment. Ensure you’ve set aside time and resources if you need to repaint the walls to their original color. If you’re transitioning to another rental, perhaps a two-bedroom apartment near campus, having a spotless record with your previous landlord can be beneficial.

Regardless of your decision, make sure your Athens Ohio apartment feels like home. After all, amidst the hustle and bustle of college life, having a personalized sanctuary to return to can make all the difference. Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint, chic wall decor, or just good old memories with friends, your space should reflect you. Happy decorating!