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All Hail the Board Game: Break Out the Games to Get to Know Your Roomies

Oct 22, 2018

All Hail the Board Game Break Out the Games to Get to Know Your Roomies

Updated with current information for 2022

College is a blast, but it’s also a time you might feasibly share a bathroom with 3 plus other people (we’re looking at you, four bedroom Athens Ohio rentals!) It helps if they’re not strangers and you even actually like each other. One of the best ways to bond is to break out the board games and have a game night.

It might sound cheesy at first, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. First, game night gives the party something to center the conversation around, especially handy if you’re just starting to get to know each other. Second, it creates a bonding space in your Athens Ohio apartment so it’s more comfortable. It’s like a playdate for adults. And remember the point isn’t to win, but laugh. Get out of your comfort zone and get to know each other.

What to Play

Bunco is an easy dice game that can include a lot of people (up to 12 players). You can’t play Cards Against Humanity with a straight face. Billing itself as “a card game for horrible people,” Cards Against Humanity “is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends,” according to the game’s website.

You could also go electronic with Scene It TV Edition that tests your pop culture trivia knowledge. Wii is also great for parties.

Don’t Forget the Snacks

Chips and salsa, avocado dip, chili are great for the munchies. Don’t forget to stock the bar. A little social sauce will keep the conversation flowing. And if the stream turns into a deluge, always offer up the couch of your Athens Ohio apartment for any guests who need to spend the night.

Get Outside

If your apartment or house comes with a yard, consider breaking out some yard games to play with your friends. Cornhole and spikeball are cheap, easy examples to get you started.

You don’t even need to play the games at your place, plenty of Athens bars have pool, Tony’s has darts and The Skull has chess! If your apartment is close to Uptown, get out and have some fun on Court Street with your roommates.

Lastly, if you’re feeling something both outdoorsy but also a little ways out of town, use that parking that came with your rental and drive up to Strouds Run! The park comes with an epic boat rental, if that’s your jazz, too.