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Packing List for Your First Apartment in Athens

Aug 05, 2016

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Escaping Ohio University housing for your first off-campus place can be exhilarating, but it can also be scary. You won’t be eating dorm food anymore, but you’ll have to cook your own meals. Nobody can live off pizza delivery alone. That means you’ll need the kitchen essentials, not to mention a proper bed, a laundry basket and furniture. But packing for your first college apartment shouldn’t feel like planning the next NASA space mission. Here are a few essentials that should definitely be on your list.

Forbes offers a handy packing list for your first place. Topping the kitchen list are measuring cups, spoons, and spatulas, but don’t forget the bottle opener and can opener. Items you might not think about until life actually takes over are a full length mirror, toilet plunger, and a flashlight. And don’t forget the duct tape, that amazing 20th century invention that can stand in for everything you forgot to bring. Your Athens Ohio apartment won’t be complete without a roll. It’s as important as toilet paper.

Double Down on Dollar Stores

For most of these items, your local dollar store is your cheapest bet. In Athens, Family Dollar is literally right up the street. Outfit your whole apartment for less than the cable bill.