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Create an Office Space at Home

Dec 21, 2020

Updated with current information for 2023

Now that you’ve been settling into your rental housing, whether in Columbus or Athens, maybe you’ve started thinking about ways to make it work better for you. One of the best ways to make a cozier, more comfortable and better organized living space is to set up an office. Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck in the spring of 2020, home offices have increased exponentially, and that applies to college students as well. Why go to the library and risk exposure if you can work from home?

If you have a spare room, that’ll do just fine, unless your roommate(s) want to claim it for a party room or storage or guest room. Of course, some rooms can do double duty – office on Monday morning, guest room Friday night, makeup room Saturday night – but that can lead to awkward confrontations when the uses collide. Happily, if one spot doesn’t work out, other places around your rental house or apartment may be available where you can create dedicated office space.

Options for a Home Office

  • Large closet. As long as you don’t need it for storage, you should be able to fit a small desk or tabletop, filing cabinet (under the desk), and shelving for supplies and books. With this option, if you’re prone to claustrophobia, you’ll probably want to leave the door open. And of course if you need the closet space for clothing, etc., this likely won’t be the best option.
  • Garage, attic or basement. This will probably only work if the space is finished or semi-finished. If it’s got drywall and insulation and receives heat, you’re ready to go. Cover bare or concrete floors with rugs or use foam mats in geometric shapes and patterns. If the space doesn’t benefit from the apartment or house’s central heating and cooling, consider using a space heater or portable AC. Use partitions to separate the office from stored items, cars or other garage contents. Make sure there’s some way you can get fresh air. Do decorate.
  • Kitchen table. Hey, it’s better than nothing, and you can turn off your laptop and roll away your file cabinet and put it in the closet when you’re done. The most important aspect of a home office is that it be separate from social activities in the house. If the kitchen is connected to living areas where your housemates and visitors congregate, that’s probably not going to work. And make sure you schedule your work time for times when housemate Larry isn’t banging pots and pans while struggling to make a gourmet meal.

Prioritize Ergonomics  

Regardless of where your home office ends up being in your Athens apartment or Ohio University housing, it’s essential to make it ergonomic. It’s not just about convenience; it’s about health. Many students experience back, neck, and wrist pains because they don’t prioritize ergonomics. Finding the right chair and adjusting your computer monitor to eye level can significantly reduce these ailments. For those tucked in university rentals, maximizing space and comfort is key. If you’ve opted for a studio apartment, being creative with limited space becomes essential.

Lighting and Productivity 

A well-lit space can improve your mood and efficiency. Whether you’re in a rental with a view or a cozy corner apartment, making the most of natural light can do wonders for your mental well-being. Position your desk near windows, if possible. If natural light is scarce, especially in some Ohio University off-campus housing options, invest in soft white LED bulbs that simulate daylight. For those late-night study sessions, consider getting a stylish desk lamp.

Invest in Storage Solutions  

While the allure of uptown rentals might be the vibrant nightlife and proximity to bars, ensuring your workspace remains clutter-free is crucial. This might mean investing in some floating shelves, under-desk storage solutions, or even a pegboard to keep essential items at arm’s reach. If you’re in one of those luxury apartments in Athens, maybe you have the advantage of extra space for bookshelves or cabinets.

Personalize Your Space  

The perks of setting up an office in your rental, whether it’s one of the houses for rent or a two-bedroom apartment near campus, is that you can personalize it. Put up posters, artwork, or motivational quotes. Maybe get a plant or two – they not only beautify the space but also improve air quality. Remember, your office is a reflection of your personality; make it a place you’re excited to work in.

Stay Connected  

One advantage of having a workspace at home, especially if you’re a student at Ohio University, is the need for reliable internet. Whether you’re attending online classes or engaging in group projects, you must stay connected. This might mean upgrading your internet package or investing in a more robust router, especially if your apartment has thick walls.

Adapting and creating a conducive work environment within your rental space isn’t just about convenience. It directly impacts your productivity, well-being, and overall college experience. So, whether you’re looking at four-bedroom rentals or considering moving to a cool Athens Ohio rental for the views, make sure you have the space and means to set up a comfortable home office. Your grades and your back will thank you.