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BSO (Orientation) Mandatory at OU, but Worth Your Time

Jun 03, 2019

If you’re in the process of enrolling at OU for the fall semester, you’re probably aware of the mandatory Bobcat Student Orientation, aka BSO. The purpose of BSO is to extend the welcome mat to all new university students and transfers, making them feel more connected and assuring academic success. That’s a worthy goal, but some new students may feel such an event has an optional ring to it –be assured, it isn’t. You are required to attend.

If it sounds like a waste of two precious June days out of your last moments of summer freedom before you bear down on the fall semester, take heart. It’s well worth your time investment. Be advised that years ago, student orientation was likely to persist for most of a semester, so two days of intense orientation is not a bad deal. Go online to sign up for your session through June.

One of the best things about orientation is that you’ll be encouraged to stay in the residence hall overnight for your two-day program. Some fun activities are planned, so you’ll find it more convenient to be close to the action late at night for the first day; it’ll also make it easier to get up bright and early for the second day.

Students may opt to overnight with their pals and future roommates if attending the same orientation program. But if you don’t know anyone at orientation, you’ll have a chance to meet other students to room with overnight. This may also be an opportunity to forge friendships and to troll for future roommates if you’re planning to seek university rentals in Athens Ohio. The more of you there are, the bigger the place you can rent, and the less your rent is likely to be.

So the moral of the story is, while mandatory attendance can be annoying, it can also offer opportunities you wouldn’t have had if you hadn’t been forced to go. If nothing else, BSO is a great opportunity to get to know people in your major that you might not meet otherwise.