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Yes, OU Classes Return in the Fall: 5 Ways to Social Distance

Aug 17, 2020

Yes, in person classes at Ohio University are expected to resume in the Fall of 2020 — at least tentatively. The OU Board of Trustees made the announcement in early June.

That doesn’t mean we’re through this crisis, by a long shot. Life’s not returning to normal, whatever that means. But you can expect to return to your rental housing at Ohio University to begin the Fall Semester, if you’re game for it. If not, remote learning continues to be an option.

But how do you return to campus — to Ohio University and Athens — and still be healthy and safe from the virus. It will be a challenge for everyone as we adjust to this new reality. And sure, you’re young and healthy, but it’s important to remember that everyone can spread this disease, especially to older and more vulnerable members of our population, and there have been rare but severe cases of even relatively young and healthy people, some as young as 17 years old,

“A lot of us might be relatively healthy and think we might be able to withstand the rigors of an infection,” adds Jonathan Kimmelman, director of the Biomedical Ethics Unit at McGill University in Montreal, tells, “but there’s the concern about spreading it to vulnerable individuals, as well as the pressure this outbreak will place on our health care system.”

Here are 5 ways to social distance effectively.

Keep a Three Dog Distance

You’ve of course heard the 6-ft of distance rule. In Europe, it’s the 2 meter rule. But it’s easy to forget how much 6 feet or 2 meters actually is. Instead, call it the three dog rule. Maintain a distance of at least three dogs between you and other people whenever possible. This is the estimated distance water droplets — the main ways we transmit the virus — can travel. The water droplets can be transmitted coughing and sneezing, but even talking and just breathing. Spit happens. Give everyone some room.

Wear a Mask.

The science is clear and unequivocal. The more people wear a mask, the less the virus will be transmitted. A virus primarily prevents you from giving the virus to other people. (We should all assume we have it, and vice-versa assume others are infected as well.) A mask prevents water droplets from leaving your mouth and getting in the air. It may provide some minimum protection to the wearer as well.

Avoid Large Gatherings.

Yeah, you might want to avoid throwing a big bash in your Athens Ohio apartment. Keep social gatherings to a minimum. If you absolutely feel you need to get together with friends, keep it to just a few people and socialize outside, especially if your rental has a porch or a yard. (That’s the beauty of Athens — many do.)

Avoid Rush Hour

Naturally, you can’t be hiding in your student rental 24/7. You’ll need to get out to class, the laundromat, grocery shopping, etc. Try to go at odd times, whenever possible. Do your laundry in the early morning before everyone’s awake. Hit the grocery store in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday. Make your walk to class before the rush at the top of the hour and plan to get there early.

Avoid Crowded Areas in a Room

If you do have to be inside like for class or grocery shopping, avoid the crowded areas of a room. Not every section of the room is busy. There is often a corner nobody occupies, or a less trafficked area. Stick to those empty spaces and give others plenty of room.