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Tips to Beat the Heat in Your Athens Apartment

Jun 30, 2016

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During the summer, early fall and late spring quarters, the heat in Athens can melt your record collection, solder the cat to the couch, and drown you in your own sweat. Beat the heat with these cool tricks that won’t sizzle your electric bill.

$8 DIY Air Conditioner

Don’t own an air conditioner? The folks at Popsugar can show you how to make your own air conditioner for $8 using nothing but a Styrofoam cooler, dryer vents, frozen bottles of water and a fan. Cool off your entire Athens Ohio studio apartment for the price of a six pack of beer.

Running fans does wonders, especially at night with an open window. Though daytimes in Athens can be their own sauna, it usually cools off enough at night to give you some relief.

Wearable Ice Chest

Dumping your head in an ice chest isn’t a bad idea, but a better idea is to wear one. Fashion doesn’t get any cooler than the FlexiFreeze Ice Vest, a freezable ice vest available at Amazon. Now where’s the iced underwear?

Pet Chilling

And don’t forget about poor Buster! Your dog deserves a place to chill, like this pet cooling bed, cooling him off where it counts, right on his belly.

Fast Cold Beer

And don’t forget about the beer. Wrap a wet paper towel around your beer and put it in the freezer. Turns any warm beer to ice cold in about 15 minutes.

Coffee Chill Tips

And to stay cool and caffeinated during the hot mornings, fill an ice tray with coffee the night before and put the rest of the pot in the fridge for a cool iced coffee that doesn’t get watered down.

Get your chill on in your Athens apartment while the neighbors cook eggs on the sidewalk.