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The Zombie Apocalypse: Headed to an Athens Apartment Near You

Oct 08, 2016

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Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? Yes, there’s one going down this October right outside the walls of your apartment in the spook filled streets of Athens, Ohio. Arm yourself. Tell your friends. Form alliances. This is no Walking Dead episode. It’s real life, played out on the business end of a Nerf gun.

The 10th Anniversary Humans vs. Zombies is being held this Oct. 15 through Oct. 25. As the group’s website states, “Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a large scale game of modified tag where players attempt to survive (or spread) a zombie apocalypse. Players only need a bandanna to start playing. Most players start as a human and must protect themselves from zombie players by avoiding being tagged. Once tagged by a zombie, that player becomes a zombie as well, their purpose then to attempt to tag as many remaining humans as possible.”

Be Ready, 24/7

And just like in actual zombie attacks, real life doesn’t wait. The game is always on, whether you’re in class, the shower, or sleeping in bed.

“Members of the Nerf gun war Humans vs. Zombies…  continue playing every moment of the day… in hopes of surviving as a human and not being attacked by a zombie,” explains an article in the Post.

There is a Facebook page you can join to keep up on the action. Get involved. Lock the doors of your Athens studio apartment. They are coming for your brains, if you have any left.