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Signs You’re Ready to Move Off Campus

Jun 08, 2020

You may have had to live in the dorm your freshman and sophomore year because of Ohio University’s rules. Maybe you’re an upperclassman and you still haven’t made the break, but you’re thinking it might be time to look for Athens Ohio rentals close to OU.

Here are some signs you may be ready to move off campus.

  1. You’re yearning for greater independence. That’s OK – it’s a sign you’re growing up. You want to be more on your own. Living in a student rental is a good way to make the transition from the controlled living situation of a dorm, to the relative independence of living with housemates. There’s nothing wrong with chafing at the rules as you come of age and want to be free.
  2. You’re eager to live with friends. You’ve had a chance to form some good friendships, and you’re fairly certain your friends will make great roommates. It’s definitely got better prospects than being thrown into a dorm situation with hundreds of random neighbors.
  3. You want a nicer place. Students these days have greater expectations for their living spaces than in years past. If you’re wanting a roomier situation, with more storage, perhaps a private bathroom and a nicely appointed kitchen, you’re more likely to satisfy your needs with a rental. But keep in mind that nicer places command higher rental charges.
  4. You want a pet. We get it about furry friends. You’re decided you’re ready to take on the responsibility of a companion animal. Just be sure you have the money for vet bills, food, and possibly, boarding if you have to go away. Also, you should have the type of schedule that allows you to spend time with your pet, so they are not locked up alone for many hours. Don’t adopt a dog or a cat unless you can commit to caring for that pet as long as it lives.
  5. You can save money. Dorm rooms and meal plans can be pricey, and when you find bargain accommodations with several roommates to share expenses, you may manage to save some money.
  6. You can be safer. With the COVID-19 pandemic likely to continue well into the next school year, you may feel that you can control how you interact with other people much easier in a student rental than in a dorm and dining hall situation. It’s tough to maintain social distance in a crowded dorm.