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Opting for a Meal Plan – or Not

Feb 17, 2020

To get a meal plan – or not? Ohio University offers a huge range of options for meal plans and venues – so many, in fact, it’s hard to imagine most students wouldn’t forgo the inconvenience of cooking for themselves. OU students on a meal plan can find diverse fare on campus –everything from food trucks to grab and go, to food court-type eateries and a culinary studio. Even off-campus students can participate in some kind of meal plan, so if convenience is paramount, this may be the way to go.

But if you and your friends live in Athens Ohio rentals, you may want to do your own cooking. Some students learn early on that they have a knack for cooking – maybe you were tutored at home and you find you like whipping up some meals for your roommates and guests. Or maybe you have food allergies or are just plain particular about what you eat and you do better when you take control and cook gluten free or adhere to a paleo diet.

Cooking for Yourself

No doubt about it, if you are fairly organized about meal planning and food buying, you can save money by cooking for yourself, rather than buying into a meal plan. But this only works if you don’t waste food and aren’t inclined to expend large sums on buying food for guests and roommates.

Another advantage of cooking at home is that it’s an opportunity to learn how to take care of yourself. After graduation, you may be on your own, so learning how to be independent should start now. Learning your way around a kitchen – be it by watching food shows, studying recipes, building up your supply of kitchen essentials, and above all, experimenting – are all skills that will serve you well in the future.

Another reason to opt for cooking at home is that you perhaps chose the wrong meal plan, and for whatever reason – maybe it was expensive and inadequate to your nutritional needs (meaning, it cost a lot and you’re always hungry) — you’re now ready to move on with your own plan.

Whatever the reason, if you have time and the inclination, cooking for yourself can be a great prep for becoming independent, and learning how to save money.

But What About the Communal Meal Thing?

Before we sign off, it’s important to highlight one important benefit of being on a meal plan that doesn’t have a price tag – well, actually it does, and that’s the kicker. It can be really hard to participate in college social life if you can’t afford to eat now and then with friends on meal plans. Good friendships and memorable collaborations have been formed in these dining venues, so think carefully about cutting yourself off from them. Some students opt for a partial meal plan for this reason – so they can eat some meals on campus –but you may find that the cost of the meals goes up in such a way that the food is way overpriced, when compared to the full meal plan. Not fair, but there you are.