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How to Stay Focused when the Weather is Spectacular

Mar 15, 2017

Updated with current information for 2022

After months spent in the icy gloom of winter, bright spring weather can be downright magically distracting. 

Aside from beautiful people, who just a few months ago were covered in parkas and scarves up to their eyebrows, the weather is absolutely gorgeous. It’s hard to study, but the finals don’t stop for Frisbee, porch parties, or the hammock. How can you get anything done when the whole world seems to be having fun without you? Set some boundaries with these rules.

Read Outside

A lot of college is spent reading. Get it done on your front porch, underneath a tree, in a hammock, sitting on top of Bong Hill if you have too. Surround yourself with beautiful nature and the studying will happen on its own. If you have a house with a yard, you can set up shop there, too. 

Take a Break with a Walk

Recent studies indicate that we can get more done if we allow ourselves breaks. A study by the Draugiem Group, a social networking company, found that the most productive people didn’t work more than everybody else. Instead, they took regular breaks, about 15 minutes every hour of work. Get up and take a walk. And Tik Tok doesn’t count. Get into nature. Talk to a friend. Get as far away from your computer as possible.

If you’re apartment is close to campus, they’re plenty of places to quickly walk to and enjoy. 

Schedule Your Tasks

Make a list of what you need to get done and check it off as each item is accomplished. Putting your tasks in writing is an effective way to fight procrastination.

Small Rewards, Big Payoffs

Plan small rewards when you accomplish things on your to-do list. These can be as simple as calling a friend, treating yourself to ice-cream, or going out for the night. If your apartment is uptown, you should be well aware of the options you have to enjoy once work is done.