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Cooling Off Your Athens Ohio Apartment on the Cheap

Jun 25, 2018

Cooling Off Your Athens Ohio ApartmentSummertime in Athens, and even the first month or so of Fall Quarter, can be an absolute scorcher. Between the heat and the humidity, your Athens Ohio apartment rental feels more like a Mafia sauna than a student rental. And turning the AC up past 11 can be pretty rough on your budget, especially during the summertime Athens economy when you’re counting every last penny. But there are ways to keep your apartment cool on a budget without spending a fortune on your electric bill. Here are a few hacks to keep your chill on the cheap.

Ceiling Fans, Window Fans

In the summertime, fans are your best friend. They use a lot less electricity than the AC unit. Ceiling fans help break up the air. Window fans, especially at night, can circulate in the cooler air and blow out the hot. Sitting in front of a fan during a hot day actually feels amazing.

Shade the Windows

Keep your windows shaded during the heat of the day, especially large picture windows. Sunlight can really heat up a room and a bit of shade goes a long way. If you do use AC, the unit will have to work a lot less. Leaving up the blinds can be especially helpful if you won’t be using the room. You’ll return to your rental at the end of the day to find a much cooler room, perfect for relaxing.

Buy a Kiddie Pool

Those kiddie pools you see at hardware stores are great ways to cool down. Set it up in the backyard with a cooler stocked with sodas. You’ll cool down without needing to rely on the AC.

Put Your Fridge to Work

No, don’t leave the fridge door open to cool off the kitchen. That’s obviously a lot more expensive than cranking the AC. But you can put wet washcloths in the fridge and use them to cool down. You can even put your bed sheets in a veggie drawer and break them back out when it’s time to go to sleep.

Shower and Fan Dry

Take a cool shower, but don’t towel off. Instead, drip dry in front of a fan. Sip a cool drink, read a book or watch TV and relax. It’s very rejuvenating.