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How to Cool Off an Athens Rental on the Cheap

May 28, 2018

Towards May, summer in Athens is pretty much on. The weather can get hot. Blame Al Gore. Blame China. Either way, Global Warming is very real when it’s 90+ degrees, sweat sticks to you like glue, and you feel like you can barely breathe much less move.

At the same time, economics towards the end of the semester (and even worse in the summer) usually leaves your bank account running on fumes. You don’t want an expensive electric bill from running a window air conditioner in every single room in the house. Here are efficient ways to keep cool in your Athens Ohio rental. Read on.

Use Fans

Fans don’t use nearly as much electricity as an air conditioner. Ceiling fans are practically a Godsend. Circulating the air can really break up the stifling heat. It also helps to break out those hot pockets. Sitting in front of a fan is a great way to cool off.

Curtain the Windows

Closing the curtains during the day can really cut down on the heat that builds up in a house. If you’re not using the room during the afternoon, keep it dark enough to sleep in and shut the door. The whole house will stay cooler.