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College Students Benefit from Meditation

Nov 04, 2019

Now that you’re in college you are developing habits that could be with you for a lifetime. One of the best you can cultivate is the practice of meditation. Traditionally, college students have been known to use their newfound freedom to succumb to binge drinking, partying, over-eating, failing to get adequate sleep and arriving in class with a hangover. Just because college students have always done it is no reason you can’t break away from the mold, however, and develop a healthful lifestyle.

Meditation is one of the best ways we know to promote a calm mind and physical well-being. In fact, science shows that meditating regularly can be more beneficial than a vacation.

There are many types of meditation, but most practices aim at attaining a neutral state of balance in mind, body and spirit.

While you can get a book on meditation, or listen to a podcast or watch a video, it’s not a bad idea to find a group led by an experienced teacher (sometimes called a sensei) and practice with other students. You’re bound to find a meditation group on the OU campus or in Athens.

There are many recognized benefits to meditation, but for you as a college student, some of them may be:

  • Increased academic success
  • Less inclination to indulge in substance abuse or other unhealthful habits, such as binge eating or smoking
  • Improved mental health, leading to greater confidence and more even emotions
  • More restful sleep
  • Better focus in class and while studying

The right setting for your practice is also key. Make sure, when hunting for Athens Ohio rental homes or apartments, you get a place where you can get off quietly to yourself and practice with minimal distractions.

Views Matter

As mentioned above, setting is key. One element in creating the right setting is making sure you meditate by the part of your apartment or home with the nicest view. 

If you’re trying to achieve zen in front of a view of construction or a brick wall, you’ll find it much more difficult than if you were greeted by the College Green or a picturesque Athens scene.

If you have parking at your rental or nearby, hop in your car and head over to Strouds Run or Lake Snowden. Being out in nature can go a long way towards achieving your meditative goals.

Alternatively, if your apartment is close to campus, maybe try Emeriti Park or Wolfe Garden for a nice meditative spot.

Yards Matter

Mediating indoors may work for some, but you’re almost always going to see better results from being outside.  Fortunately, if your house has a yard, you don’t have to go very far to achieve that.

In general, a healthy lawn can improve your overall mood beyond just meditating. Healthy yards can decrease stress and provide an easy outlet to enjoy nature. 

All in all, mindfulness is a precursor to meditation. Make sure you get your setting right, otherwise, you’ll find meditation quite difficult to achieve.