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4 Helpful Resources for Finding a Great Apartment in Athens Ohio

Nov 20, 2017

For RentFinding the right Athens Ohio apartment, one that not only fits our needs but is actually kinda cool, can feel like discovering a dimebag in a haystack.

Good luck. You’re going to need it. But there are tricks to make the search easier. Here are 4 resources for better house hunting.

Word of Mouth

Talk to friends, classmates, former roommates. In a town the size of Athens, you can find great apartment opportunities just through conversation, especially during happy hour. You might find people looking for roommates or who have extra room on the lease. You might find people with a great spot they don’t need next year who might be able to give you a hook up.

For Rent Signs

Many landlords are retired. Some are lucky if they’ve heard of electricity let alone the Internet.They don’t always advertise their Ohio University housing online. You can find some great deals on a house for rent in Athens Ohio just by strolling through town and calling the numbers you see on For Rent signs. It’s old school style, but surprisingly effective.

Realty Websites

Realty sites are gold mines of housing opportunities. What’s great is you can access a wide variety of listings without even leaving your couch. You can also get photos of the property and the interior to get an idea of the property before you even visit. And you can search for specific needs, such as a studio apartment, or a two, three, four or five bedroom apartment. The Internet is a great resource simply because you can access so much info right at your fingertips.

Professional Realtor

A professional realtor is especially helpful if you’ve got specific needs, such as a grad student looking for a family friendly neighborhood or if you’re looking for a rental with a yard or outside of town. They often have access to listings before they go on the market, or know properties that fit special requirements.